Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Before you dream... have to sleep.
Honestly, I find that the ten thousand projects I imagine completing in this class keep me from going to sleep on time, finishing my own lesson plans; some of my to-do list items keep edging farther down so I can play with Photoshop.

Working with layers and textures, I played with some pictures I took when my photograph class took a field trip to the Hickory Airport.  I realize that changing colors is my biggest challenge right now:  Here are a few attempts and works in progress:
I am also having to remember to save projects in 72 (successfully accomplished above).  These next examples still need resizing:
This "visual pun" lacks a little believability.  I realize I will have to take my own pictures of Bible covers for my "Bible Belt" so I will have the right angle. It's been good practice though.

1 comment:

  1. these are very nice. I especially like the Bible belt pic. Good photo and I love the pun of it.
